921 vehículos a la venta
Nam CarsAutos Usados en OngwedivaTafe a la venta2025 Tafe 45 DI 2WD
Venda Calculadora
Price  N$ 304,500
Tafe 45 DI 2WD
35Kw kW
Cylinders: 3
Cubic Capacity (cc): 2.5
No. of Speeds: 10
Max Forward Speed: 8
Max Reverse Speed: 2
PTO (Speed of Operation): 1500RPM
Lifting Capacity: 1450
Brakes Type: Wet
Dimensions (overall length/width/height) (mm): 3137/1650/2225
Wheelbase (mm): 1930
Min ground Clearence (mm): 340
Total Weight (Kg): 1715
Fuel tank: 48

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Información sobre el Concesionario
Auas Motors Ongwediva Namibia
Auas Motors Ongwediva
Ongwediva, Namibia
Ongwediva Main Road
Tel: 065-238057
Tel: 065-221063
For more information please contact the used car dealership directly by telephone or by completing the form below:
Gerente de vehículos Christof Ndjamba

Seller phone number0818924119

Gerente de vehículos Justina

Seller phone number0812503076

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Nam CarsAutos Usados en OngwedivaTafe a la venta2025 Tafe 45 DI 2WD