864 vehicles for sale
Nam CarsAccessoriesFord Sierra/ Ford courier V6 gearbox
Price  N$ 6,900
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Ford Sierra/ Ford courier V6 gearbox
Status: Used
Title: Ford Sierra/ Ford courier V6 gearbox
Description: Still in good condition 100%. I'm selling it cause it cannot fit to my car as its big. I have an F8 engine not a V6, I also tried to change bellhousing still it failed they don't match. That's why I'm giving it,
Seller Information
Private Deals Namibia
Private Deals
Katima Mulilo, Namibia
Always beware of fraud and do not pay for a vehicle before viewing it!

This vehicle has been approved, but pending until 18.03.2024

Vehicle owner \ seller Ntelamo
Seller phone number

This vehicle has been approved, but pending until 18.03.2024

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Nam CarsAccessoriesFord Sierra/ Ford courier V6 gearbox